The Art of Diplomacy

Los Angeles Theatre Works will celebrate an evening fundraiser, the ‘Art of Diplomacy’ at the The Broad Stage on  Wednesday, November 6.  

Hosted by actors Seamus Dever and Susan Sullivan, the evening will kick off with a VIP reception at 6pm, followed by a 7:30 pm reprise of a production of Lee Blessing’s award-winning play A Walk in the Woods that was part of its  regular 2018-19 season.   Based on an actual incident during the crucial 1985 disarmament talks between the United States and the Soviet Union in Geneva, the two-hander recounts the efforts  of a Russian and an American negotiator who leave the official sessions to privately explore the obstacles to peace faced by their countries.  

Directed by L.A. Theatre Works  Producing Director Susan Albert Loewenberg, the play stars veteran  theatre actors Alfred Molina and Steven Weber. According to Loewenberg, the show received its tremendous response not only  due to the current zeitgeist it touches, but also because it is simply a very funny play that really showcases the talents of its lead actors. 

The evening will honor  John B. Emerson,  Ambassador to Germany during the Obama Administration and his wife  Kimberly, both of whom are active in the arts as well as human rights.  Mayor Garcetti and the German Consul General Stefan Schneider are scheduled to  make appearances. 

Following the play, Geoffrey Cowan, former head of the Voice of America and Chair of USC Center on Communication Leadership and Policy will engage the honorees in a discussion of the opportunities and challenges of diplomacy.  

Asked about the relevance of Blessings’ play today, Cowan felt  it “could not be more relevant than at this moment, when the nation is transfixed by stories about US negotiations in Ukraine, Turkey and elsewhere;  by the risks posed by short term political motives; and by the integrity and professionalism of career diplomats.” Cowan said he also plans to ask the honorees tell us how the play resonates with their own experience.  The discussion is expected to continue at the dessert reception that follows.

LATW’s mission is to use technology to make world-class theatre accessible to the widest possible audience.  Its Live Series presents radio-theatre style live performances of classic and new plays with award-winning actors. Its National Broadcast Series is a weekly 2-hour broadcast that showcases a selected play carried on 50+ public radio stations across the country, streamed on its website, and released as podcasts.  Its Education Programs series creates arts-based educational tools to enhance learning. Its Audio Publishing includes a catalog of over 500 plays distributed through iTunes and and over 13,000 libraries nationwide. 

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